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AODQC Bookstall
Have a look at how we are turning many donated books into much needed funds. To view click here
HAO Supporters Club
Commit to a monthly donation of R50 or more via Debit Order, Stop Order, EFT or Cash. To view click here
AODQC Golf Day
Come have a relaxing round of golf while supporting a great cause. To view click here
Hiring Supplies
We started Hiring Supplies as a means to generate funds and to connect with our community. To view click here
Needs List
Have a look at some of our Needs. See where your support can help us best. To view click here
A Quadriplegic is one who is disabled in all four limbs, as a result of injury or illness (usually motor car accidents, violence, diving accidents, rugby injuries, etc).
The degree of paralysis is determined by where the spinal chord is severed. For example, damage to the C4 cervical vertebra (closest to the neck) results in total paralysis from the neck down. Damage to the C6 vertebra results in paralysis from the neck down, but with partial movement of the arms, but no hand or finger co-ordination or control. Damage lower down the spinal column results in Paraplegia. A Quadriplegic is of sound mind, trapped in a non-functioning body.
A Quadriplegic needs to be washed, fed, dressed, and toileted. They require assistance from trained carers to see to these basic needs.